TV-Turnoff Week
Labels: health, television
to make cyberspace a better place
Labels: economics, free software
"What about some restrictions on the commercial distribution of a work? That is, a free culture work can be copied and those copies can be shared but with some restrictions on selling those copies when permission is not granted."Angela Beesley was kind enough to respond but in the absolute..."That isn't free content. Commercial Restrictions are explicitly not permissible restrictions."
Labels: copyright, free culture
Labels: anonymity, free software, free speech
Labels: africa, education, free software, olpc
Labels: education, free software, pedagogy
Labels: chess, mobius strip, puzzle
"[Children] are so usable in Christianity."- Becky Fischer in Jesus Camp
Labels: belief, documentary, god, jesus camp
Labels: drugs, generic drugs, malaria, patent law
"The lesson is, if someone does something ridiculous, it's not sufficient to express offense. In fact it's counterproductive. Instead, one should make explicit the silliness or inconsistencies in the person's argument, how it is racially bigoted, how it is constitutionally illegal, or simply why it's logically fallacious."Counterproductive indeed. Expressing offense, as Michael notes, gives the offender a way out by "apologizing for the offense instead of the actual act". How so? Because the offense is committed in the mind of the offended.
Labels: identity, politics, psychology, religion
Labels: racism